QVLOA Minutes January 25, 2018

Quail Valley Lot Owners Association, Inc.

Annual Meeting and Meeting of the Board of Directors

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Held at Minneola City Hall, Florida


Note: Address any questions about Minutes to QVLOA Board of Directors or Lynn Edwards at EPM Services
The annual meeting of the Quail Valley Lot Owners Association did not meet the quorum requirement of 10% (51 homes). There were 38 homeowners present either in person or proxy. Therefore, President Mike Ellis called a Board of Directors meeting to order at 7:21 pm.

A quorum of the Board members was present with 5 of the 5 Board members in attendance. Present: Mike Ellis, Alfred Rodriguez, Matt Masem, Ray Nivarel and Mel Ash.

The management company was represented by Lynn Edwards of EPM Services.

Proof of Notice was signed by Mike.

The November 30, 2017 meeting minutes were approved with a motion from Matt. Med seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion passed.

President Mike Ellis polled the current Board and asked if they wished to remain on the Board of Directors. All answered in the affirmative. The current Board will roll over and serve a 1 year term.

Financial Report
  • The financial report for December 2017 was given by Manager, Lynn Edwards. The Board was advised that the operating account balance was $113,440.86 and the Reserve Balance was $191,137.04. The Iberia Bank savings account balance is $100,869.79.

  • The Board was provided with an explanation of the GL 4010 Administration and why it is over budget by $18,357.35 for the year. This was explained as the administration fees were higher than last year as well as the association has issued three times more violation letters than budgeted. This was anticipated and the Board understood. Mike mentioned that the amount of violations is steadily going down.

  • Management was asked to explain GL 4060-Management Services and why it is over budget for the year $3555.40.

  • Management was asked to explain GL 5510-Irrigation Services and why it is over budget for the year $2,291.99.

  • Management was asked to explain GL 5545-Wall Repairs and why is it over budget $4799.35.

  • Management was asked to explain GL 5580-Camera Surveillance. It is over $1000 for the year.

  • Ray motioned and Mel second the motion to accept the December 2017 financials with above noted concerns. All in favor and the motion passed.
Management Report
  • Management reported on several items such as Yard of the Month, tenant applications and violations.

  • Management asked the Board to approve 4 violations to escalate to Attorney Al Cook which will incur the $40 attorney letter to the association and the homeowners.
Legal Report
  • Legal reports from Attorney Al Cook are quarterly and not included in the Board packets.
  • Violations Report
    • Management advised the Board the December 2017 inspection resulted in 180 violations and the January 2018 inspection resulted in 114 violations.

    • Matt motioned and Mel second the motion to send 3 addresses to Al Cook. All in favor and the motion passed. Management was asked to send the backup for these violations to the Board before forwarding to the attorney.
      • 618 Whisper Sound (Trash Cans)
      • 803 Gentle Breeze (Fence)
      • 809 Breezy Lake Way (Fence)

    • The Board did not want to send 140 Magellan to the attorney due to the death in the family.
    Unfinished Business
    • The Board asked if the retention ponds were mowed and the soil filled in by Surface Management. Management answered yes and Mike confirmed it was done.

    • The Board asked if the company that was going to do the valve location was going to get started. Management advised the Board Dillon was no longer doing this service. Management was asked to ask Surface Management if they could do this service.

    • Management was asked to find out if Surface Management was going to replace the dead plants.

    • The owners of 455 Gentle Breeze asked if management could follow up with the City regarding the light pole requested by their home.
    New Business
    • Mike asked the members in attendance if any were interested in joining the ARB Committee. This committee is going to be very technological and requires daily checks of the computer. No members volunteered so the current Board members on the ARB Committee will continue to do it until a committee is established.

    • Mel addressed the Board with the current documents that require fences be no more than 15 feet from the BACK corner of the house. Mel would like to reword the documents to read no more than 15 feet from the FRONT corner of the house. A discussion evolved with the Board divided on this issue. Alfred motioned and Mel second the motion to table this discussion.
    Open Floor
    • A homeowner inquired to the possibility of improving the park. Management was asked to obtain proposals on fixing or replacing park equipment with the $35,242.41 in Park Reserves.

    • Management was asked to contact The Property Doctor to fix the swing set.

    • A homeowner indicated she was going to throw the old Christmas wreaths in the garbage.

    • Management was asked to forward the rules and regulations as well as coupons and ARB application to the owners of 254 Gentle Breeze (Rohn).

    • Management was asked to forward the Rules and Regulations as well as the declaration to 149 Southern Breeze: KDssail@hotmail.com

    • Burning in the City limits was discussed. Matt advised it must be 25-50 feet away from dwellings.

    Organizational Meeting
    • Ray motioned and Mel seconded to nominate Mike Ellis as President. Mike accepted. All in favor and the motion passed.

    • Alfred motioned and Ray seconded the motion to nominate Mel as Vice-President. Mel accepted. All in favor and the motion passed.

    • Mel motioned and Alfred seconed the motion to nominate Ray as Director. Ray accepted. All in favor and the motion passed.

    • Ray motioned and Mel seconded the motion to nominate Matt as the Secretary. Matt accepted. All in favor and the motion passed.

    • Ray motioned and Mel seconded the motion to nominate Alfred as the Treasurer. Alfred accepted. All in favor and the motion passed.

  • The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. with a motion from Alfred. Matt seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion passed.

    The next meeting date will be held on Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 7:15 p.m.

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    Posted February 11, 2018.

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