Annual Membership Meeting

Monday, November 17th, 2010, 7:15 PM
Minneola City Hall,
800 N. Highway 27, Minneola, FL 34715

Please Remember!!!
It is important for homeowners to attend the annual meeting.

If you can not attend the meeting
please send in the Proxy Form which you received in the mail
so that we meet quorum and can conduct business.
Thank You!

If you have lost your form, contact Lisa Donohue at EPM Services (lisa.donohue@epmservices.com, tel. 407-327-5824)
  • Call to Order

  • Establish Notification and Quorum

  • Review and approve prior Annual Meeting Minutes

  • Treasurer's report

  • President's Report

  • Election of Directors
    Need at least one more board member for 2011. Please let management know if you are interested in serving the community.

  • Introduction and seating of new directors

  • Old Business/Members Forum

  • New Business

  • Adjourn meeting

Newly elected board may hold an organizational meeting to select and appoint officers in private.

Fines Committee Information

If you are interested in being on the fines committee for Quail Valley LOA please contact the Association Manager, Lisa Donohue, at 407-327-5824. This committee will help keep owners responsible for violation issues such as landscape, parking, fences, etc. We need at least three people who are not on the Board of Directors to form a fines committee.

Site Index.

Membership Meetings Index

Board Meetings Index

Home Page.

Posted October 28, 2009.

Contact Web Manager for corrections or to suggest improvements.